Our Services

Mobile Therapy

We offer a full line of in-home Medicare Part B therapy services! Developing Minds Healthcare we specialize in support and care of the whole person. Often that includes both the client and the family. Supporting caregivers is part of personalized care. Giving caregivers the tools and support they need to help the client is critical to improving outcomes of treatment.

Occupational Therapy Services

OTs help patients return to the lives that they love. We recognize that an injury or illness can be devastating, and we know that much of the healing process involves being able to participate in daily life.

Now Offering Medicaid Waiver Services!

Providing compassionate home and community services.

Supportive Employment

Our services utilize a person-centered approach to employment, keeping the individual at the forefront and offering a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Weekly Oversight & Mentorship

Individuals receive weekly visits from an OT to consult with the individual, family, and staff on goal-specific objectives to optimizing progress towards patient goals.

Systematic Skill Building

SSB is a service designed to support individuals in acquiring skills that promote their independence and their participation in their community.

About Us

At DMHC, we believe effective patient treatment is a team endeavor. That is why we utilize a multitiered, full-spectrum care system. Care begins with trained and mentored nursing and support staff. They, the patient’s families, and advocates all work to help the patients reach their living goals in a safe proactively monitored environment. Finally, clinicians and therapists leverage their knowledge and skills to achieve full long-term success for the patient.

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